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  • Subject is exactly "Social media"

Creative Uses of the Historical Documents under the Carleton-In-China Program

Carleton in China poster - CALA 2024-06-24.pdf
The purposes of historical documents (text and photographs) are to preserve the past and also serve as primary resources to understand the life and the society at a moment in time; the additional text materials give more context to the details of the…

Position: 348 (305 views)

Government College Librarian’s Use of Social Media for Professional Development in Sindh, Pakistan

This study examined the use of social media in professional development by government college librarians of Sindh. Professional development is an integral part of all professions. Librarians and information professionals are required to have…

Position: 921 (70 views)

Guidelines for CALA's Social Media

Guidelines for CALA Social Media_2021.pdf
Guidelines for The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)'s social media channels, which include the CALA’s Public Facebook page, "CALA Members and Friends" Facebook Private Group, WeChat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Position: 326 (312 views)

CALA Social Media Flyer

This flyer includes CALA's current social media channels, such as Facebook, WeChat, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. The purpose of maintaining various channels is to meet its diverse members' needs and offer up-to-date platforms for information…

Position: 91 (390 views)

Social media and participatory culture: opportunities and challenges for reforming the contemporary museum

About the book: Produced by The University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science, this volume of the Annual Review of Cultural Heritage Informatics (ARCHI)is the polestar publication for cultural heritage scholars,…

Position: 427 (276 views)

Supporting Access and Community-building: the CALA Social Media Tag Library

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Social Media Group initially created the CALA Social Media Tag Library in Fall 2017 to facilitate better navigation and search for social media channels, particularly the CALA Facebook public page…

Position: 64 (407 views)

Simple Instruction on How to Access CALA Social Media Channels (2020)

CALA currently has its own listserv, public Facebook page, "CALA Members and Friends" Facebook Private Group, WeChat, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube Channel. The purpose of maintaining various channels is to meet our diverse members' needs and offer…

Position: 93 (389 views)

Building a Tag Library for the CALA’s Social Media Channels

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) has created several social media channels since 2012 with CALA members and friends participating from around the world, including the CALA's Facebook public page, WeChat space, YouTube Channel,…

Position: 35 (428 views)

Simple Instruction on How to Access the CALA Social Media Channels (2017)

CALA currently has its own listserv, public Facebook page, "CALA Members and Friends" Facebook Private Group, WeChat, LinkedIn and YouTube Channel. The purpose of maintaining various channels is to meet our diverse members' needs and offer up-to-date…

Position: 19 (457 views)

Chinese American Librarians Association: Embracing Diversity and Outreaching to the Global Community

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services selected 33 presentations for the 2017 Diversity and Outreach Fair, held from 3 – 5 p .m. on June 24 in the Special Events area in the Exhibits Hall at McCormick during ALA’s Annual…

Position: 20 (452 views)