Browse Items (3 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Racially mixed people"

Luck of the Titanic

Luck of the Titanic.jpg
Valora "Val" Luck, a biracial teenager, seeks to reunite with her twin brother Jaime and is convinced that a famous circus founder aboard a new British ocean liner—the Titanic—will hire the siblings for their acrobatic skills. She is determined to…


Position: 613 (172 views)

The Astonishing Color of After

The Astonishing Color of After.jpg
Leigh Chen Sanders is a biracial teen coping with her mother's suicide. Leigh is convinced her mother has transformed into a bird and is determined to find her during a visit to her maternal grandparents in Taiwan. In their shared grief, Leigh…

Position: 607 (174 views)

Path to Leadership: National Forum on Advancing Asian/Pacific Islander American Librarianship - A White Paper

Path to Leadership_ National Forum on Advancing Asian_Pacific Islander American Librarianship - A White Paper.pdf
This IMLS funded project aimed to bridge two major associations focused on supporting Asian American and Pacific Islander library workers to identify collaborative opportunities to engage with the larger community of APIA library workers and their…

Position: 416 (272 views)