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  • Subject is exactly "Public services (Libraries)"

Keynote: From Digital to In-Person: Applying Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Our Libraries

2 Keynote - From Digital to In-Person Applying Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in OurLibraries.pdf
In this keynote presentation, librarians Danielle Rapue and Ray Pun will share how they have engaged with their learners at a community college and at a graduate program and focusing on equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. From digital…

Position: 882 (82 views)

Keeping Safe While Staying Open: Serving First Responder Users During COVID Pandemic

Through innovation and adaptation, the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) Library has enhanced its capabilities to serve users, expanded its collection of digital resources across various types, and extended its reach to more individuals and…

Position: 691 (134 views)

From Panic to Process: Developing Workflow and Selection Criteria for Accessing Text and Data Mining Corpora

At the University of Houston Libraries, every request for data, text collections or access to text mining environments resulted in panic! There was no established workflow and steps had to be retraced and reestablished each time a new request came…

Position: 644 (157 views)

Information Consulting Services at Kunming Medical University Library

A presentation on the information consultation services provided at the Kunming Medical University Library. It's presented at the CALA Northeast Chapter Annual Meeting on April 27, 2023.

Position: 575 (186 views)

Academic Libraries’ Support of Student Learning through Designing a Library-based Research Information Literacy Course

CALA 2022_Poster.pdf
This poster illustrates the process of designing a credit information literacy course as a viable alternative to the traditional one-shot library instruction mode. The poster showcases the significance of building a semester-long information literacy…

Position: 408 (273 views)

Building a Community with Virtual Programs: QPL’s Story During & After COVID-19 Pandemic

ALA Poster 2022_Hong.pdf
Stories from Queens Public Library. Poster presented at the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference 2022 poster session.

Position: 466 (247 views)