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  • Subject is exactly "Library metadata"

Identify the “trouble”: a pilot project of inclusive metadata practice.

This presentation highlighted the pilot project of UIC library’s inclusive metadata practices. The purpose of the pilot project is to identify the “trouble” language of LGBTQ+ subject headings in the current library catalog. After careful…

Position: 880 (95 views)

Report of the ALCTS Metadata Interest Group Meeting. American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Philadelphia, January 2020.

This article highlights a presentation of a metadata collaboration given at the ALCTS Metadata Interest Group Meeting at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia in January 2020. The presenter reported her work on ArtFrame,…

Position: 769 (118 views)

Returning to work during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Report on the ALA Core Metadata Interest Group Meeting, ALA Annual Conference 2022.

This article highlights the discussion on returning to work during the COVID-19 pandemic, held at the Core Metadata Interest Group Meeting at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Washington, DC in June 2022. The discussion involved…

Position: 830 (109 views)

Born of Collaboration: The Evolution of Metadata Standards in an Aggregated Environment,

This article is a case study that discusses the successful collaboration between three different departments within our university library to improve metadata for increased usability. The collaboration combines library faculty and staff knowledge of…

Position: 733 (129 views)

Content and Context: A Case Study of Metadata Collaboration

This article demonstrates how taking differences in end-user behavior and differing interdepartmental perspectives on metadata into account can strengthen the digital object workflow to serve a greater variety of users. The University of Illinois…

Position: 854 (102 views)

Metadata workflow of digital image collections – engaging traditional catalogers

This poster describes the change in the UIC Library digital metadata workflow as we distributed that workflow across Special Collections and University Archives, Digital Programs and Services and Resource Acquisition Management.

Position: 764 (119 views)

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: Building A Collaborative Workflow for Digital Collections

In preparation for a migration to a new digital asset management system, the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) Library revamped their workflow for digital collections, taking a fresh look at how physical content that was chosen for digitization…

Position: 778 (117 views)

AI, Cataloging & Metadata

This presentation explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on cataloging and metadata, presenting examples of AI-based cataloging. It provides a few examples of utilizing ChatGPT, Bard and Bing Chat Enterprise for tasks such as creating a…

Position: 536 (221 views)

Transition from the face-to-face to the online lecturing for a LIS course “Metadata Creation for Information Organization”: outlook and preparation

As a Library and Information Science (LIS) lecturer, co-teaching a traditional (face-to-face) course “Metadata Creation for Information Organization”, the lecturer deliberates on moving from traditional to online teaching, lots of changes and…

Position: 463 (265 views)

Reflections in teaching a LIS course in the changing world

As Catalog/Metadata Librarians and adjunct faculty at the LIS program of a public co-educational research university, we rethink what skills and knowledge LIS students seek to gain from the class Metadata Creation for Information Organization, and…

Position: 492 (248 views)