Browse Items (3 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Electronic data processing"

Free Tools for Data Wrangling, Analysis, and Visualization

Free Tools for Data Wrangling, Analysis, and Visualization.pdf
From internal assessment for data driven decision making to external support for faculty and student research, librarians need tools to prepare, analyze, and present data. Often times, tools are associated with a license cost or a deep learning…

Position: 612 (181 views)

Customized Mapping and Metadata Transfer from Dspace to OCLC to Improve ETD Work Flow

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present methods for customized mapping and metadata transfer from DSpace to Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), which aims to improve Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) work flow at libraries using…

Position: 190 (346 views)

Optimizing Workflow through Metadata Repurposing and Batch Processing

This article focuses on metadata repurposing and batch processing to improve cataloging workflow in a medium sized library. Some metadata repurposing cases at Wichita State University (WSU) Libraries are addressed, including transferring of an…

Position: 235 (335 views)