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  • Subject is exactly "Digital Repository"

Autofill Browser Extension: A User-friendly Solution to Optimize Metadata WorkElow in Digital Repositories

Facing a complex metadata environment, it is challenging to implement strategies for optimizing metadata workflows in digital repositories. Running scripted applications and batch processing cost libraries additional resources, while not reducing…

Position: 290 (322 views)

Making Search Engines Notice: An Exploratory Study on Discoverability of DSpace Metadata and PDF

This study analyzed the search results of four main Internet search engines on three newly created digital collections at Texas Tech University Libraries, in order to assess the search engine indexing on metadata and PDF files of digital items that…

Position: 171 (355 views)

All that Glitters Isn’t Gold: The Complexities of Usage Statistics as an Assessment Tool for Digital Libraries

Digital collection assessment has focused mainly on evaluating systems, metadata and usability. While use evaluation is discussed in the literature, there are no standard criteria and methods for how to perform assessment on use effectively. This…

Position: 312 (318 views)