Browse Items (15 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Communication"

Signage and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Facilities as Correlate to Utilisation of Information Resources in Federal Universities’ Libraries in South-South Zone of Nigeria

This study was aimed at investigating the extent to which signage and ICT facilities correlate to the utilisation of information resources in federal university libraries in South-South zone of Nigeria. The correlational research design was adopted…

Position: 911 (76 views)

Strategic Planning for the Chinese American Library Association: From Process to Implementation

This report explored the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)’s strategic planning process for 2020-2025 during COVID-19. The paper introduced CALA’s mission statement, values, and discussed the importance of the strategic plan. A strategic…

Position: 924 (69 views)

Content and Context: A Case Study of Metadata Collaboration

This article demonstrates how taking differences in end-user behavior and differing interdepartmental perspectives on metadata into account can strengthen the digital object workflow to serve a greater variety of users. The University of Illinois…

Position: 862 (99 views)

Collaboration, communication, and the cataloger: measuring the impact of enhanced cataloging on discoverability of library resources

This presentation examined the journey of librarians from different types and sizes of institutions within the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) who collaborated to investigate how reference and instruction librarians…

Position: 904 (82 views)

Guidelines for CALA's Social Media

Guidelines for CALA Social Media_2021.pdf
Guidelines for The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA)'s social media channels, which include the CALA’s Public Facebook page, "CALA Members and Friends" Facebook Private Group, WeChat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Position: 326 (312 views)

CALA Social Media Flyer

This flyer includes CALA's current social media channels, such as Facebook, WeChat, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. The purpose of maintaining various channels is to meet its diverse members' needs and offer up-to-date platforms for information…

Position: 91 (390 views)

Supporting Access and Community-building: the CALA Social Media Tag Library

The Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Social Media Group initially created the CALA Social Media Tag Library in Fall 2017 to facilitate better navigation and search for social media channels, particularly the CALA Facebook public page…

Position: 64 (407 views)

Simple Instruction on How to Access CALA Social Media Channels (2020)

CALA currently has its own listserv, public Facebook page, "CALA Members and Friends" Facebook Private Group, WeChat, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube Channel. The purpose of maintaining various channels is to meet our diverse members' needs and offer…

Position: 93 (389 views)

Scoping the Chinese American Librarians Association Services with a National Survey

CALA Assessment Survey Poster 2018_final.pdf
To make the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) a stronger organization and to serve its members more efficiently and effectively, CALA’s Assessment and Evaluation Committee designed an online survey and distributed it to all members…

Position: 16 (465 views)