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  • Subject is exactly "China"

China through American eyes: Depictions of the Chinese people and culture in the US print media of the late 19th century

Cultural understanding between the United States and China has been a long and complex process. The period from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century is not only a critical era in modern Chinese history, but also the peak time of…

Position: 148 (353 views)

A southern Chinese city through the eyes of a British missionary: Preliminary analysis of the text of a historical travelogue

Walks in the City of Canton is a book written by John Henry Gray of Christ's College, Cambridge who came to China and stayed as a missionary for many years, and it was published in 1875. This project did a preliminary analysis of the text of this…

Position: 63 (394 views)

Staging Dunhuang Mogao Caves: Treasures from along the Silk Road

Historically a frontier metropolis, Dunhuang was a strategic site along the Silk Road in northwestern China, a crossroads of trade, and a locus for religious, cultural, and intellectual influences since the Han dynasty (206 B.C.E.–220 C.E.). The 492…

Position: 72 (388 views)

Chinese Ethnicities and Their Culture: An Overview

China, the most populous country in the world, is also a nation of great diversity. In addition to the majority population of Han Chinese, there are some 55 officially recognized national minorities--including Tibetan, Mongol, Manchu, Zhuang, Dai,…

Position: 336 (296 views)

Princess Peacock: Tales from the Other Peoples of China

This book fills a gap in the folklore literature by offering representative folktales from China's minorities, as well as background information on each of the ethnic groups. You'll find more than 50 fantastic and engaging tales, such as Princess…

Position: 422 (268 views)

“Beitan Shu Ji Qi Yan Jiu Li Yong: Li Shi Yu Xian Zhuan.”

Uncover the treasures of cultural exchange between China and the Occident: a retrospective study on Beitang Collection

Position: 152 (350 views)

Always Come Home to Me

This book has won the 2008 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Children's Books).

Position: 224 (325 views)