Browse Items (34 total)
- Subject is exactly "China"
“Beitan Shu Ji Qi Yan Jiu Li Yong: Li Shi Yu Xian Zhuan.”
Position: 152 (350 views)
“The Value of Intellectual Freedom in Twenty First Century China: Changes, Challenges and Progress,”
Position: 333 (298 views)
A southern Chinese city through the eyes of a British missionary: Preliminary analysis of the text of a historical travelogue
Tags: Annual program, CALA, CALA chapters, CALA Southeast Chapter 2016 Fall Program (Orlando), Canton, China through Western eyes, Chinese American Librarians Association, Chinese culture, Chinese people, Qing dynasty
Position: 63 (394 views)
A Story of Ruins: Presence and Absence in Chinese Art and Visual Culture
Position: 334 (297 views)
A Thread of Sky
Position: 181 (335 views)
Always Come Home to Me
Position: 224 (325 views)
Canton Through Western Eyes: Resources & Wood’s Sketches of China
Tags: 19th Century, 20th Century, Americans, Canton, China through Western eyes, Chinese, Chinese Studies, Chinese Studies in the West, Description and travel, Government officials, Guangzhou, Sinology, Sinology study, Social life and customs, The Chinese Record, Traveling, Travelogues, Western authors, Westerners, William Wightman Wood
Position: 684 (143 views)
China through American eyes: Depictions of the Chinese people and culture in the US print media of the late 19th century
Tags: Annual program, CALA, CALA chapters, CALA Southeast Chapter 2016 Fall Program (Orlando), China through American eyes, China through Western eyes, Chinese American Librarians Association, Chinese culture, Chinese people
Position: 148 (353 views)
Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan's Sex Slaves
"This is an important book on a little-discussed…
Position: 2 (1035 views)
Chinese Ethnicities and Their Culture: An Overview
Position: 336 (296 views)
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Fundraising for the 1990s: The Challenge Ahead -- A Practical Guide for Library Fundraising: From Novice to Expert.
This book discusses Dr. Lee's successful fundraising experience at the Ohio University.