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  • Subject is exactly "China"

“Beitan Shu Ji Qi Yan Jiu Li Yong: Li Shi Yu Xian Zhuan.”

Uncover the treasures of cultural exchange between China and the Occident: a retrospective study on Beitang Collection

Position: 152 (350 views)

A southern Chinese city through the eyes of a British missionary: Preliminary analysis of the text of a historical travelogue

Walks in the City of Canton is a book written by John Henry Gray of Christ's College, Cambridge who came to China and stayed as a missionary for many years, and it was published in 1875. This project did a preliminary analysis of the text of this…

Position: 63 (394 views)

A Story of Ruins: Presence and Absence in Chinese Art and Visual Culture

This book has won the 2013 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Non-Fiction).

Position: 334 (297 views)

A Thread of Sky

This book has won the 2010 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Fiction).

Position: 181 (335 views)

Always Come Home to Me

This book has won the 2008 CALA Best Book Award (Categroy: Children's Books).

Position: 224 (325 views)

Canton Through Western Eyes: Resources & Wood’s Sketches of China

Canton through Western Eyes.pdf
This book talk was organized by the Guangzhou Book Club and it was aimed to introduce the newly translated and published book《洋记者的广州城记》(English title: Sketches of China: with Illustrations from Original Drawings). The original English book was…

Position: 684 (143 views)

China through American eyes: Depictions of the Chinese people and culture in the US print media of the late 19th century

Cultural understanding between the United States and China has been a long and complex process. The period from the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth century is not only a critical era in modern Chinese history, but also the peak time of…

Position: 148 (353 views)

Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan's Sex Slaves

Chinese Comfort Women.jpg
"Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Japan's Imperial Sex Slaves features the personal narratives of twelve women forced into sexual slavery when the Japanese military occupied their hometowns."
"This is an important book on a little-discussed…

Position: 2 (1035 views)

Chinese Ethnicities and Their Culture: An Overview

China, the most populous country in the world, is also a nation of great diversity. In addition to the majority population of Han Chinese, there are some 55 officially recognized national minorities--including Tibetan, Mongol, Manchu, Zhuang, Dai,…

Position: 336 (296 views)