CALA Newsletter


The CALA Newsletter (ISSN: 0736-8887) is the official publication of the Chinese American Librarians Association. CALA Newsletter disseminates information about Chinese American Librarianship and the activities of the association. It is published twice a year in Spring and Fall.

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CALA Newsletter, No. 127, Spring 2023
The CALA Newsletter is the official publication of the Chinese American Librarians Association, and it disseminates information about Chinese American Librarianship and the activities of the association. This is the No. 127, Spring 2023 issue.

CALA Newsletter, No. 128, Fall 2023
The CALA Newsletter is the official publication of the Chinese American Librarians Association, and it disseminates information about Chinese American Librarianship and the activities of the association. This is the No. 128, Fall 2023 issue.

The CALA Newsletter is the official publication of the Chinese American Librarians Association, and it disseminates information about Chinese American Librarianship and the activities of the association. This is the No. 91, Fall 2004 issue.
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