Stories Beyond Borders: A Chinese American and Diasporic Reading List

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Stories Beyond Borders: A Chinese American and Diasporic Reading List
Created to commemorate the Chinese American Librarians Association’s 50th Anniversary, Stories Beyond Borders features children’s, middle grade, and young adult books centering Chinese American and diasporic voices. Rooted in different parts of the…

This Place Is Still Beautiful
Margaret and Annalie find themselves on opposite sides when a racist slur is written on their garage door. As the sisters navigate their bubbling emotions, the widening gulf between them threatens to upheave their family dynamics. This is one of the…

These Violent Delights
The Scarlet Gang and the White Flowers have been at war in Shanghai for generations. When bodies start piling up and a mysterious entity lurks in the shadow, two feuding families must come together to find answers. This is one of the books on the…
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